Lesson 1 Welcome & Introduction
To introduce participants to each other and establish positive foundations for the course.
To familiarize students with:
- The inception of the course and its relevance in ISKCON today.
- CourseBroad Aims &Twelve Principals and Values
- Course schedule & Assessment
- Classroom norms
- Student Handbook etc.
By the end of the lesson students should be able to:
- Introduce themselves to the rest of the students.
- Identify some the needs which form the basis of the courseand discuss the importance of the course for ISKCON in general.
- Identify some areas they could personally improve in as a disciple
- Cite the CourseBroad Aims & Twelve Principals and Values
- Discuss comments from ISKCON’s leaders on the relevance of the course.
- Discuss and agree to follow the Classroom Norms